About this template

This template is released as an open source template under Creative Commons Non-Commercial. If you use it, please retain the "Template Design by MLP Design" tag and link in place.

Please DO NOT use it in adult or adult-oriented websites!

For commercial use, please contact me.

Reminders when editing

To keep the Design from messing up, change items in the index.html file only when they are outside the <tags>. If you wish to edit the color, font, size, etc, do so within the stylesheet (mlpDesign.css) file. Otherwise, the code may not validate or may not show up properly in other browsers.

Space fillers, an image, and the blockquote

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend laoreet magna. Donec auctor libero id massa.

Aenean sit amet enim ac urna dictum lobortis. Praesent convallis sapien eu tortor. Phasellus eros tortor, lacinia ut, pellentesque in, venenatis in, elit.

website template imageProin congue risus eget eros. Morbi ornare, enim ac convallis pellentesque, metus arcu sagittis diam, nec fringilla nunc eros id arcu. Nunc sagittis ligula id justo. Nam et pede a mi facilisis consequat.


Middle content

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Ut tristique ullamcorper urna
  3. Sed eleifend laoreet magna
  4. Proin congue risus eget eros
  5. Suspendisse potenti

Right content

Nunc sagittis ligula id justo. Nam et pede a mi facilisis consequat. Quisque tincidunt, turpis vel commodo lacinia, arcu odio bibendum metus, eget elementum ipsum eros sit amet velit.

Etiam ipsum diam, sodales blandit, accumsan vel, dictum eget, lectus.