Cookies Policy

As we are located in the EU / EEA area we are expected to provide information reference cookies that are used within our website and stored on your device(s).

By agreeing to the statement found in the cookies agreement popup at the bottom of our website, you agree to the use of cookies by us when using our website.

Cookies - What Are They:

Cookies are small text files that are dynamically created and placed on the device you use when you view our website. These text files have a small amount of data in them, the data is specific to a device and visited website. The files can be accessed by the web server or user / visitors device.

Cookies are used in a multitude of ways, as an example: a cookie can be used to store user behaviour or collect browser data.

Cookies Explained:

  • Session cookies
    a.k.a "transient", this cookie type is deleted when the browser is closed.
  • Persistent cookies
    a.k.a "permanent" or "stored", this cookie type is stored on the users device until it expires or is manually deleted.
  • First party cookies
    this cookie type is created by the website being visited.
  • Third party cookies
    this cookie type is created by external websites not belonging to the visited site.

Cookies used in our website fall into the following categories:

  • First party session cookies.
  • Third party cookies, who may use persistent cookies.

Third Party Services:

As of writing this statement, the third party services featured in this website are from:

  • Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA)
  • Inc. (P.O. Box 55071 #30027, Boston, MA 02205-5071, USA)

Free CSS does not have access to nor can we manage or control cookies created by external services.

BuySellAds Cookies Inc. is a company based in the USA, they provide online advertising services. We use their services to display banner advertisement from third parties from all around the world.

They use cookies to collect non-Personally Identifiable Information, for example: to track clicks and user statistics.

BuySellAds legal notices can be found here:

Google Cookies

Millions of websites use a variety of services provided by Google, we are no different. Google services that can be found in our website include:

  • Google AdSense
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • Google Analytics

Google AdSense

Google AdSense creates a cookie in the users browser if and when the service is called. This can be when something happens, such as a click or an impression (ads are shown)

In general, a cookie is set when a user visits a website that displays Google served Ads.

Ads that are displayed by Google AdSense are controlled by Google, we do not have control over the ads that are displayed.

To help restrict data that is collected by Google Adsense we have set our account to only display "Non-personalised ads", for more information on this subject please read the support page in Googles website.

You can personally manage the ads that are displayed when you visit a website that shows ads to you from Google by using the Google Ads settings tool.

You can also save your preferences using a Google browser plugin, which can be found here.

You can opt-out of the Adsense interest based ads by using the "ads settings" tool, but it doesn't stop ads being shown, ads will continue to show, the ads will no-longer be specific based on your activities. We suggest to take a looka the the help page found in Googles website here.

Google reCAPTCHA

If and when used by this website, reCAPTCHA is used to help control misuse of contact forms.

reCAPTCHA collects data, including your IP address and other browser information the service requires, the collected data is sent to and used by Google.

If you are viewing our website from within the EU or an EEA area, your IP address gets anonymised. In some rare occasions your IP could be sent to a Google server in the USA and anonymised there.

For further information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Google Analytics

This service is used to collect statistical, geographical and website usage information, for example: browser, device, OS platform etc. The information found in the cookies don't contain personal data, but they do contain your IP address.

GDPR defines an IP address as Personal Information which can determine the identity of a natural person, as such, we use Googles "IP anonymization" method. For further information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Resource: Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.

Google Analytics Opt-out

Google has an "Opt-out" Browser Add-on which lets you stop Google from using the data the analytics cookies collected, download the add-on here.

Using the add-on does not affect the use of our website in any form, it simply prevents Google from using the collated data.

The add-on doesn't affect the ability to use our website, it only stops Google using the data that has been collected.

Another method to opt-out is by clicking here, by clicking the link Google Analytics sets a stop tracking cookie, which takes effect immediately. Although this is a great fueature, it does have its drawbacks - it is device dependant and must be activated on all devices you use to visit our website with.

How To Disable Cookies in Your Browser

If you don't wish to store cookies on any of your devices you can stop websites from doing so, by simply changing your browser settings in each of your devices.

Please click on the appropriate link below to read the support guide for your specific browser of choice:

Important Note

If you set your browser to not accept cookies, it might cause our website to not function or be displayed incorrectly.