This is where the description of your web site will go. This element of the web page is easily removed if you don't want to have it on any page besides the homepage. Just delete it! Heres an Example Link.


Just some descriptive text

Hello and welcome to Plain 2.0. This template being the follow up to my previous template "Plain 1.0". It adheres to the same main ideas as the original: Lots of white space while still being visually appealing and readable.
Since so many people seemed to enjoy Plain 1.0 I thought I should provide users with an alternative to that template. Something of the same style that looks a bit different.
The template works fine in all browsers and resolutions although it does look a bit tight in 800x600. For me 800x600 is just too small to fit readable content into that isnt a pain to read in any resolution above that. If the "tightness" bugs you, the layout is easily slimmed by adjusting a few values in the css.


Because it's important!

As anyone looking for a web site template to use would expect - this template is of course, both CSS and XHTML valid according to the w3c. The benefits of this include;

For more information regarding this, and lots of other useful web design related stuff, follow this link.

About the Author

About Me!

My name's Jay and I work as a web designer! You can view my work on my web site; Six Shooter Media. Like 5.9 billion other people on this planet I also run my own blog. Lovely eh!?