UI Elements

Welcome Jhon Deo , Love to see you back.

Circle Icon Buttons

For more customization for this template or its components please visit official bootstrap website i.e getbootstrap.com. We hope you will enjoy our template. This template is easy to use, light weight and made with love by binarycart.com

Icons Examples :

For more customization Of icons please visit website : fortawesome.github.io. You will get all font-awesome icons and there classes there.

Simple Progress Bars
40% Complete (success)
20% Complete
60% Complete (warning)
80% Complete
Stripped Progress Bars
40% Complete (success)
20% Complete
60% Complete (warning)
80% Complete
Animated Progress Bars
40% Complete (success)
Stacked Progress Bars
35% Complete (success)
20% Complete (warning)
10% Complete (danger)
Modals Example
Alerts Examples
Simple Alert
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alert Link.
Info: You can use other classes like alert-success , alert-warning & alert-danger instead of alert-info
Dismissable Alert
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alert Link.
Info: You can use other classes like alert-success , alert-warning & alert-danger instead of alert-info