Style Playground

The style playground is used to demonstrate how different elements of your template are formatted and can be used as a reference when coding this template into your site.

View the source code to see how each element is coded in the XHTML.


The following are examples of header formats:

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading


This paragraph shows how all text encapsulated only within <p></p> tags will appear.

More text examples are as follows:

This is emphasised text
This is strong text
This is an acronym
This is deleted text

This is a block of code

"This is a quote" - John Smith


The following are examples of image formats:

website template image Standard inline image format. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed viverra tortor non dolor. Donec nulla libero, ullamcorper sed, consequat dignissim, luctus blandit, sapien. In ante. Proin aliquam odio ut sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

website template image A left aligned image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed viverra tortor non dolor. Donec nulla libero, ullamcorper sed, consequat dignissim, luctus blandit, sapien. In ante. Proin aliquam odio ut sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

website template image A right aligned image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed viverra tortor non dolor. Donec nulla libero, ullamcorper sed, consequat dignissim, luctus blandit, sapien. In ante. Proin aliquam odio ut sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

website template image A left aligned, linked image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed viverra tortor non dolor. Donec nulla libero, ullamcorper sed, consequat dignissim, luctus blandit, sapien. In ante. Proin aliquam odio ut sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.


Unordered list

Ordered list

  1. List item example
  2. List item example
    1. Sub list item example
    2. Sub list item example
  3. List item example

Definition list

Definition title
Definition description
Definition title
Definition description


Tables are used to format data. It is not recommended to use tables for layout purposes.

Table header Table header Table header Table header
Cell data Cell data Cell data Cell data
Cell data Cell data Cell data Cell data
Cell data Cell data Cell data Cell data
Table header Cell data Cell data Cell data
Table header Cell data Cell data Cell data
Table header Cell data Cell data Cell data
Table header Cell data Cell data Cell data


Form title

This is how forms and their elements appear:

Custom styles

This section demonstrates all elements that can be styled differently to the above when adding a class or id attribute to the element.

List of links

This is a handy list of formatted links used on the homepage submenu. Just create an unordered list with a links class and add links as normal.

List of images

This is a handy list of images used on the homepage submenu. Just create an unordered list with an images class and add images as normal.

Info paragraph

If you add an info class to any <p> tag, it will be styled as follows:

This is my info paragraph

You will notice this styling has been used on the index page for blog post information. Using the cmt class on links inside the info paragraph will align them to the right, as shown below:

Posted: 12/10/07 @ 12:18pm
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